About this course
If you are divorcing or separating from a sociopath with whom you have children, you need a parenting plan that defines all the boundaries of how you will raise them. If you set the rules now, while you’re in court with this person, you will have problems down the road.
Your lawyer may not take the time to thoroughly explain the multitude of options in parenting plans. You don’t want to pay your attorney to do it anyway. This course, created by Tracy Malone, author of NarcissistAbuseSupport.com, teaches you everything you need to know about parenting plans. It gives you the knowledge you need to protect your children — and yourself — as long as they are minors.
A parenting plan is a legal document that outlines the specific arrangements for the care and upbringing minor children. This master course explains legal custody, physical custody, financial responsibilities, parenting time and more. It includes specific legal clauses that you can copy directly into your own parenting plan.
The whole point of a parenting plan is to anticipate potential problem scenarios. Failing to address them in advance can lead to legal disputes, court hearings and wasted money. Avoid all of this with a solid parenting plan.
- Comprehensive education on all the available options for legally binding parenting plans.
- Understanding the importance (or lack thereof) of each option, as well as the rules surrounding them.
- Learning what you can and must ask for in your agreement, and why.
- Creating a document that outlines how you and your co-parent will collaborate in the best interests of your children.
- Clauses to put in your plan that will safeguard your post-divorce co-parenting sanity.
- Preventing post-divorce abuse, with ironclad rules that protect you and your children.
About the instructor Tracy A. Malone
Tracy A. Malone is the founder of NarcissistAbuseSupport.com and an international expert in high-conflict divorce. She wrote the best-selling book Divorcing Your Narcissist: You Can’t Make This Shit Up!
Tracy’s passion for creating effective parenting plans stems from witnessing the challenges her co-parenting clients face—challenges that could often be avoided with proper planning. She believes that if more people understood the rules and knew what they are entitled to request, many children could experience a happier, more stable childhood with fewer arguments and less drama.
What the program includes
- 60 Lesson modules tailored to address your specific needs
- 60 Worksheets help you understand your options and how to protect yourself from narcissistic manipulation
- 60 Video lessons to enhance your learning experience
- BONUS: 1000 Sample clauses for added guidance
- BONUS: State-by-State guidelines and sample parenting plans for comprehensive understanding
- BONUS: Visual parenting time schedules for clarity and organization
- BONUS: Negotiation strategies to help you achieve your desired outcome