Webinars on escaping sociopaths, narcissists and relationship abuse
Lovefraud Education and Recovery offers webinars on relationship abuse to save you from sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths and one of society’s biggest lies: “Everybody just wants to be loved.”
Survivors: Learn how you were targeted and what to do now.
Therapists: Learn how to help victims of abuse.
Everyone: Learn how to protect yourself from exploiters and manipulators.
What’s a sociopath?
“Anything deviated or pathological in social relations” — that’s the original definition of sociopathy. Lovefraud uses the word “sociopathy,” which is no longer a clinical diagnosis, as an umbrella term for all of the manipulative personality disorders — antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic and psychopathic. Read more on Lovefraud.com.
Webinars for understanding and recovery
Sociopaths — people who have manipulative personality disorders — lack the ability to love as the rest of us do, although they are really good at faking it. Here and now, learn about manipulative personality disorders, relationship abuse and how to move forward.

Webinars for therapists
Learn to better help victims of sociopathic abuse and earn continuing education credits.
What Lovefraud CE learners say …
Lovefraud Education and Recovery Nonprofit
The mission of Lovefraud Education and Recovery, a New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation, is to educate the world about people with exploitative personality disorders. We do this by offering educational programs and conducting original research. You can help.

Programs for high school and college students
Young people who encounter sociopaths suffer far more harm than older targets. Donna Andersen teaches them about disordered individuals to prevent a lifetime of abuse.

Research on how sociopaths affect their targets
Few researchers study what happens to the targets of sociopaths. Lovefraud fills the knowledge gap by asking survivors about their experiences.

Please help Lovefraud Education and Recovery
If you’ve been targeted by a sociopath, you know how destructive they are. Lovefraud CE programs are making a difference. Help us continue.