You’ve been manipulated, exploited and betrayed, and you’re shocked to realize that it was all intentional. How do you recover from a narcissist, antisocial or psychopath? How do you move forward in your life?

That’s exactly what you will learn in Lovefraud’s new webinar series called, “Skills training for recovery from narcissistic abuse, gaslighting and toxic stress.” It’s a 13-session program taught by Dr. Liane Leedom. Dr. Leedom is a psychiatrist and a professor of counseling and psychology at the University of Bridgeport.
She knows exactly what you’ve experienced, because she was targeted by a psychopath herself. After her experience, Dr. Leedom researched how you and other survivors were affected by disordered individuals. She also realized that there is no recognized treatment protocol for the trauma of narcissistic abuse.
So Dr. Leedom has created a groundbreaking approach utilizing the skills training of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and tailoring it to the experience of survivors like you. This program includes five distinct webinars with a total of 18 hours of training. The first webinar in the program is FREE!
Emotional and psychological recovery after the sociopath (psychopath, narcissist) doesn’t just happen; it requires conscious effort on your part. Dr. Liane Leedom teaches you the skills that will enable you to achieve peace and emotional stability.
- Yes, recovery from narcissistic abuse is possible
- Why sociopaths can’t love and crave power
- How you fell in love with the sociopath
- Overview of four dialectical behavioral therapy skill sets
- Dialectics: Opposite truths that stand together
This FREE webinar is available now. Sign up here: